These steps are after you create a profile and accept the terms of the onboarding agreement

🧭 Let’s get started

1. Investment Type Selection

Choose if you're investing as a private individual or through an entity

Subscription details.png

2. Entity Details:

If investing through an entity, provide the full name and create profiles for all relevant persons, especially signatories and beneficial owners.

Investor Navigator.png

3. Your Onboarding Dashboard**:**

Click on the green highlighted field "Go to Subscription Area" to input your subscription details.

Investor navigator 2.png

4. Manage Involved Persons**:**

If you are subscribing as an entity, please create the profiles for all persons under “managed involved persons” who are relevant for the subscriptions; especially signatories and beneficial owners.

Investor Navigator 4.png

5. Document Upload:

Follow the sections on the left and upload the requested reference documents in PDF format.

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